Creating Search Folders / Batches

Reports or searches can be batched together into a group / folder for future access. You can then schedule to run this batch at a later time within the next 24 hours. See - Scheduling Reports.

All batches / folders displays in the top-right section of the Search and Reports screen.

Create a Batch / Folder

  1. Select the New Batch button on the toolbar.
    The add New Batch form displays.

  2. Enter a name and select OK.
    The batch displays in the top right.

  3. Drag and drop searches from the left section into the folder / batch.

    Note - You cannot include a template search or report if it has never been run before.

To remove a search or report from a batch / folder

Right click on the search and select Remove from the menu.

To delete a batch

Right click on the batch heading and select Delete.

Select OK to confirm deletion.